Saturday, March 24, 2012


Or a better word may yet be neglectful. And that is quite an apt description for me and my blog posts. I do apologize (but also admit that I'm not terribly sorry!). I have been a busy girl wandering through Southern Argentina. Almost a full month of hiking around the Southern Patagonian Ice Field has left me tired but sated. For any view whores out there this is one trip not to miss: one stunning site after another. Each one comes with a price though--and I mean physically, not on the pocket book (although a trip to Southern Argentina does not come cheap!).  

 Friends who have been to Argentina in the past few years had warned that the country wasn't a bargain, but  also affirmed that it was still cheaper than U.S. prices. That is no longer the case! (The country has seen rapid inflation and except for wine, hostels, and groceries you can expect to pay more than you would in the U.S. for equivalent services).

Cutting the post short (Sorry!). A long, and updated itinerary post--with comments-- will follow (someday).  In the mean time here are a few snapshots from the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.

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